
Jump Shot
Jump Shot

Jump Shot NCAA – Vinyl

Silhouette of the Jump Shot by the NCAA Legend from North Carolina 23 was inspired by his athleticism in motion, taking the most important shots in basketball. It is a basic shooting technique in which a player throws the ball towards the basket from a straight vertical jump, when you got the Shot Take it, produced and created by   TEDDY-U aims to educate, encourage, and assist athletes in their efforts to engage with the community and charitable causes, to increase public awareness and support for those efforts, in creating a win-win situation and to inspire others to do the same.
Cameron Williams
Cameron Williams

Basketball Power Layup – Vinyl

The lay-up with the left-hand works exactly the same but inverted, so start with your left foot, jump off with your right leg, and lay up with your left arm, be sure to train both hands. This will help step up your game. To perform a power layup, jump straight up off both feet. Your outside hand (from the basket) should shoot the ball similar to your normal shot, but straight up. Your inside hand should be up and strong to protect the ball. Shoot up high and aim for the top corner of the box.
Here Comes The Heat
Here Comes The Heat

Here Comes The Heat

Throwing involves the whole body and requires balance, as well as planning and executing movements in a sequential, coordinated way with high Hand-Eye Coordination practice and “Funnel” The Ball to Your Center, your right Ankle points to the target, Throwing Arm & glove arm Separate, your rear Foot strides toward the target, Hips rotate FIRST, powering your Shoulder, Chest moves forward as arm Accelerates. If your grip is off, a seam could catch the air as it flies through the air, and it can start moving this ball action makes it difficult for consistent accurate throws.
1st step in football sports t-Shirt
1st Step

1st Step

That 1st step in football needs to be Explosive to get into a sprint, trying to get up to full speed as quickly as possible. Silhouette of a Defensive end getting off the ball to Put Pressure in the Backfield. One of the primary responsibilities of a defensive end is to put pressure in the backfield, just like the great 99, 95,90,52,97,94 does produced and created by TEDDY-U aims to educate, encourage, and assist athletes in their efforts to engage with the community and charitable causes, increase public awareness and support for those efforts, in creating a win-win situation, and to inspire others to do the same.
Kill Shot
Kill Shot

NCAA Volleyball – Vinyl

Silhouette of a Volleyball player in action on the attack executing a Big Vertical Kill Shot taking Advantage of the unreturnable volley of your opponents, inspired by the athleticism in motion of Danielle Williams with The Northwestern University Volleyball Team.
Pan Caked
Pan Caked

Pan Caked

Being Pancaked is when an offensive lineman is blocking his opponent by knocking the defender on his back, resulting in a run block, allowing the ball carrier to Break Free by the offensive lineman that sees his defensive opponent end up Flat on his Back. To be physically squashed or flattened. I forgot that I had a muffin in my bag, and it's flat as a pancake now, who’s your “The Pancake Man” TEDDY-U aims to educate, encourage, and assist athletes in their efforts to engage with the community and charitable causes, increase public awareness and support for those efforts, in creating a win-win situation, and to inspire others to do the same.
Punch Poke Nope
Punch Poke Nope

Punch Poke Nope

Silhouette of a defensive back in action executing Punch Poke Nope inspired by athleticism in executing a forced fumble which occurs when a defensive player approaches with a strengthen motion in hitting the ball with enough force, that punches it out, which is called a fumble. A fumble in football is a turnover that happens when the ball carrier drops the ball, and it is recovered by a defensive player. produced and created by Teddy-U, Teddy-U aims to educate, encourage, and assist athletes in their efforts to engage with community and charitable causes, to increase public awareness and support for those efforts, in creating a win win situation and to inspire others to do the same.